Don't Kiss The Frog

Don't Kiss The Frog
The Frog Is Never A Prince!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Yeah for the 26-year-old daughter who is stepping forward to raise her adopted siblings, following the murder of her parents in Florida. Whether or not her step father had shady dealings, doesn't change the fact that he embraced 13 children with autism or downs syndrome as his own. The fact that the daughter has agreed to follow in their footsteps says a lot about their success as parents and role models.

Clearly she learned that children who have disablilties like autism and downs syndrome have much to offer in terms of love, laughter and family.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Girls have an uncanny talent for knowing which button to press to turn their well behaved mothers into ferocious bears defending their wild cubs. When your daughter tells you that something terrible has happened to her -- assume she is telling the truth from her perspective. Chances are, another little girl is telling her mother the exact same story about your child. The truth is theirs to tell and ours to decode.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Why do young girls always see a prince when all their parents see is a toad???

New Blogger

My first blog. This must be what it feels like to be lost in space.

Why not learn braille?

Why not learn braille?
Children who are blind have as much to teach as they do to learn.